Avra Rating Platform
We designed Avra with a vision to address all the needs related rating analyses. Avra can host the rating models for obligor or facility ratings. Its dedicated workflow engine simplifies the management of the rating processes and allows easy implementation of industry standard maker/checker segregation with detailed audit trail. Avra also offers a statistical toolkit focused specifically for the rating model / scorecard development, as well as validation analysis.
Feature List

Rating Workflow
Efficiently manage and monitor the rating processes in your organization

Store financial tables, use different templates for different industries

Model Management
All parameters are transparent and editable

Model Estimation
Use our strong statistical toolkit to build your own models

Email Integration & Notifications
Notifications and automated emails enhance the efficiency of the rating process

Possibility to use Avra under a Software as a Service plan, hassle-free choice for small organizations

Organize your team into different groups and delegate tasks

Obligor Rating
Assess the credibility of the client, assign a PD

Facility Rating
Assess the risk associated to a particular facility, calculate LGD & Loss Rate

Create your own dashboard to better monitor the clients

Curreny Translation
Focus your rating assessment, let Avra to convert the financials to any currency you wish

Multi-language Support
Avra can speak in your language and as your organization grows it could maintain other languages as well

All the data carefully stored, build your adhoc reports on our comprehensive archive

What-if Analyses
Analyze the impact of various scenarios on client level or on portfolio level

Sampling & Categorization
Easily arrange your data for statistical analyses, apply Stratified Sampling, Discretization and Outlier Trimming techniques

Portfolio Level Reporting
Monitor your portfolio, drill it down by various attributes e.g. industry, rating, size etc.

Audit Trail
Comprehensive system logs stores all the details including who, what, when & where

Consolidated Entities
Rate you client alone or as a group. Allow rating enhancements based on group support

Define your own ratios, use them in the rating models or in the reports/dashboards

Create your own or use one of our off-the-shelf templates to create industry specific qualitative assessments

Industry Outlook
Analyze health of industries and set automated override mechanisms based on the outlook of an industry

Custom Expressions
Reflect your own way using expressions for rating calculation, ratios so on

Validation Analyses
Measure the performance of the models with industry standard approaches e.g. Gini coefficient, CAP, ROC etc.

Warning Signals
Set your early warning indicators and automatically reflect them in the rating assessments

Check your rating results against reality, measure $ performance with cut-off analysis

Maker / Checker Segregation
Measure the performance of the models with industry standard approaches e.g. Gini coefficient, CAP, ROC etc.

Active Directory / LDAP Integration
Use your operating system credentials to login

Expired Rating Alert
Set validity period for the rating assessment and let Avra to take care of the rest